Follow me! Twitter: @fearlessmango Instagram: @fearlessmango Facebok: Tumblr: Revelation Journal: CREDITS: Blogskin: ohfudge! Editor: Me! Photo Editor: Me! | ||||
Perth 2015 I guess it is about time that I blog about this (not so) long overdue trip to Perth. I decided to go to Perth because my visa to Australia is still valid since I went to Sydney in April. So, why not? Besides, it would be something pretty cool. I admit, travelling is always 'pretty cool', and probably tired, and probably stressful (sometimes). But the experiences you gain and things you see are out of this world. And that's something I would pay for - EXPERIENCES. Prior to the trip, I came to realize a friend of mine that lives in Perth and we talked over Facebook and he agreed to helped us out for our trip, to be our drive and all those. It was really nice of him to do that for us, I felt really blessed! :) So my trip began with a flight at 12.30pm. I arrived at the airport early to send my friend off to Canada. Yes, she flies off on the same day as me. Except that it's a permanent move for her, at least for the next few years. I arrived at Perth at about 5.30pm, and as expected, the sky is already almost dark. The sun has set. After all the necessary checks, we are finally out and I met my friend. He drove us to our hostel and after checking in, we went for a dinner nearby followed by a trip to King's Park. My friend is a photographer, so he brought his super huge-ass procam along while I survive with this noob-looking-but-actually-not-bad camera. He taught me some photography skills and I took a night scenic shot of Perth City. It's really pretty. Plus, we actually saw a wild fox just happily strolled past us. My initial reaction was like "what is that? A FOX?" my friend just reacted like it's oh-so-normal to see a fox. WHAT?! That's actually pretty cool, the first time I see a fox. And a wild one some more. So after these photo taking, we called it a night. Day 2 was just filled with shopping and shopping. I'll not bore you guys with the details, but we basically went to Target, Harbourtown Outlet.
Oh and I almost forgot to mention, the buildings all around are really pretty looking. I feel like anywhere can be an instagram-worthy photo chance.
JUST LOOK AT THAT! And after all the shopping, I ended my day with a beer while practicing some calligraphy. Alcohol always makes me tired, I knocked out that day at 10pm. Then comes day 3, also known as the most exciting day of the entire trip because we're going on a ROAD TRIP! :) We had to wake up early and waking up early meant that the weather out is cold. AND I MEAN LIKE 7 or 8 DEGREE CELSIUS. brr.. My friend has kindly agreed to drive us around and bringing his sister along. At the end of the day, he told us we travelled a total of 700km! That's a very very very long distance. But the road trip is pretty much fun because it is an eye-opener. During the trip, my mum and I makes the funniest comments and ask the funniest questions.. "The trees looks like broccoli" "OMG I HOPE I SEE A KANGAROO" (which we did) "Why is ________????" x100 "Where are we going?" We went to a few places during this roadtrip.. 1. Lighthouse aka Cape Leeuwin
The lighthouse is really something so special to me. Well because I've never seen such a huge lighthouse before. And the surrounding is really pretty too! :D It's definitely not something you'll see in Singapore.
So basically, further down the lighthouse. There's actually like this cliff which you can overlook the ocean. And that point is where 2 oceans meet. Like WHAT? That's super cool!
So while we were there we spent some time taking photos. My procam friend is of course our photographer and he took some really nice shots of my mum and I! Photos are all up on facebook so you can go there and check it out!
After Cape Leeuwin, we grabbed a quick lunch before we continue on our journey to a vineyard. By this time, my internal GPS already broke down. I don't understand how my friend can drive and drive and still make sense of the road that he is driving on.
2. Vineyard I've definitely not been to a vineyard before. Wait, I'm not even exactly a wine person to begin with. I know nuts about wine. I only know that there's red and white wine. Anyhow, the vineyard is very very picturesque too? We first went to this place that grows berries and grapes, that place sells interesting jams..
And I got my mum to take some emo shot because I felt like it. HAHAHAHA. ok lame.
So here's me feat. my floral bag and boots.
That's actually the first vineyard we went to, then we went to a second one which we walked into the fields where they grew the grapes. But it was winter in august, so obviously there aren't any grapes growing then. But that also meant that we could take pretty photos.
Here's one i took from my humble little camera. Hahah :) I really love this shot tho!
3. Beach - Buttelson Beach. My friend drove us here to watch the sunset. And really I thank God for the most amazing sky that day and we could take SO SO SO MANY pretty photos. My friend also took the chance to teach me how to take sunset shots and they ended up looking wonderful! :) Here's what my humble little camera produced. Beautiful, isn't it? I also took a time lapse of the entire sunset using my iphone while snapping photos with my camera! Also, the jetty itself and the sky is too beautiful. Won't you look at that! I mean, I couldn't believe my eyes man. There's actually such beautiful place in the world. Oh, I almost forgot. On the way from the vineyard to the beach.. We almost got into an accident with KANGAROO. I guessed my wish came true. I was telling my friend I hope to see a kangaroo and he was all like "CHOY!!" but I think I (almost) fully understand why now. In Australia, Kangaroos roam around free. It doesn't take an idiot to know that a Kangaroo is VERY VERY strong, so if you actually knock into a Kangaroo, not only the Kangaroo die, your car dies too. And, a Kangaroo can run REALLY fast too. So I guess it's best not to mess with the kangaroos. After the beautiful sunset, we grabbed dinner and back to Perth City we went! It was a long and tiring day, but so so so amazing. I would love to go on these kind of roadtrips again. Here comes day 4. It's another free and easy day for my mum and I. We took a train down to Fremantle for the market.. AND OH BOY THAT PLACE. EVERY. SINGLE. BUILDING. IS. ART. I mean it. We walked around Fremantle, shopped and then went back. I met my friend again and he brought us to a bar to chill and have some drinks before walking around and going back to hostel. Then the day that we have to leave Perth came. This trip is filled with so much eye-opening experiences. I would want to go back to explore more interesting places around Australia. Till then, I'll keep my wanderlust. xx |