  • Felicia Jiamei Lau

    Hello! I'm Jiamei, or Felicia. I'm a full-time Preschool teacher, I enjoy dancing, singing, playing guitar and practicing calligraphy. A sucker for Taylor Swift, Disney and pink things. That kind of sums me up.

Follow me!
Twitter: @fearlessmango
Instagram: @fearlessmango
Facebok: facebook.com/laujiamei
Tumblr: glowoff-thepavements.tumblr.com
Revelation Journal: jm-revelations.blogspot.sg


Blogskin: ohfudge!
Editor: Me!
Photo Editor: Me!


I'm still in the midst of it, but I'm preparing for my trip to Sydney, Australia. This is really a dream come true. Going to Sydney has been one of my top travel destination ever since I was young, don't ask me why. And this coming 11th of April, I'm finally able to go to Sydney - on my own! MY very first solo trip.

How do I feel? Excited mostly. And of course there's this part of me that is filled with uncertainties. I don't know what kind of people I will meet, how I will make decisions, and what do I do if something happens. But apart from all the fears and uncertainties, I'm very much excited and looking forward to the trip. Spending time alone in a foreign county is going to be amazing. Looking at things I see through photographs, taking amazing photos, hopefully meeting new people and all that. It's going to be a fresh experience for me. I will make sure I remember this trip. Take time to pen down my thoughts and sit back, relax for a while.

But the main reason that I'm going to Australia is because of Presence Conference. And boy I'm excited for that too! I really pray that God will move in a powerful way and I'm going to be renewed and filled! :)

For now, I need to pack my things, change currencies and settle other things.

Countdown: 13 more days! :)