  • Felicia Jiamei Lau

    Hello! I'm Jiamei, or Felicia. I'm a full-time Preschool teacher, I enjoy dancing, singing, playing guitar and practicing calligraphy. A sucker for Taylor Swift, Disney and pink things. That kind of sums me up.

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Revelation Journal: jm-revelations.blogspot.sg


Blogskin: ohfudge!
Editor: Me!
Photo Editor: Me!

These things will CHANGE.

Firstly, apologies for the lack of update. Things have been happening lately and sometimes I'm feeling simply too lazy to update the blog, simply because I don't know what to talk about. Life has been good and yet bad to me these days. But something I learnt through the past few weeks.. 

The only thing that is constant is change.

I don't remember since when I start to take pleasure in things being constant. I remember myself being someone that is very comfortable with changes. Like if something change I'd be like "oh, okay yeah. I'm cool with that." but now when something changes, I suddenly go into emotional state for like a couple of days. MAYBE those changes in the past ain't as big as the changes I am facing now. Example right now, if I am given a change in my working hours, I get so annoyed because my body clock is literally fixed. I feel tired at 10pm and I automatically wake up at 7am even without my alarm. My friends that go out with me would know, I start to go into stoning mode when the clock strikes 10pm. Whereas for others.. 10pm is like THE NIGHT IS STILL YOUNG. Not for me. Come to think of it, changes in these are just something that mean so little.. But to me, you're basically screwing with me when you ask me to stay up late when I usually sleep at 10.30pm. 

Good news is that I am now more or less adjusted to my new body clock. :) 

I think it's also good that I'm sleeping later (and waking up later) now. I'm able to talk to my friends more (they are like some night owls) and I can nua in bed for a longer time because most of the time at night I have no idea what to do. And yes, if you have suggestions of what I can do at home without making much noise/sound, please tell me! 

I also spent the past weeks with Ecclesia. Same for her, life isn't exactly smooth sailing right now. Lots of thing happened, and even though with the limited time I spend with her, I'm glad to have a friend like her. We just be stupid together and everything, so yes, it is good to have company like these. 

Just yesterday I was talking to one of my friend and I looked back at 2014, indeed it is a year of change and learning, I told her how boring my life is. I've never been to orchard to just hang out with my friend or to shop more than 5 times this year, I've not watched many movies I planned to because there's nobody that I could watch with. I love romance and cartoon, which I doubt any guy friend of mine would be interested to watch, and I wouldn't want to bore them out with these cheesy scene or lame jokes. As for girl friends.. everyone is busy. You know how business is literally one of the worst thing ever, it not only makes you feel bad, it makes others feel bad too. It creates a bad image on yourself, and it stops others from trying to reach you. I mean, don't you feel bad that whenever you ask someone out and they are like "sorry im busy i need to ____ (fill in with the reason or excuse)" and then slowly and surely, you just stopped asking them already. (okay im ranting, i should stop) 

Anyway, CHANGES.
I need to learn to adapt quickly and embrace them. Suck it up, some would say. 

Suck it up.