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What's up? Hi there, I think it has been some time since I blogged. And yes, I've been really busy and tired recently so I didn't really have the time to sit down and blog a proper post. Even now I'm using using some little time before I leave home jus to update my blog. So what have I been up to? Work! Yeah, I've started working at Little Big and it really is a very pleasant experience. Though I'm still struggling with the post-lunch drowsiness and especially with all the children sleeping infront of you and also lullaby playing in the background, how can you not fall asleep right? Hahah! :p For now, I'm like taking care of N1, K1 and K2. Yeah, just like half day here and there. So it's really pretty tiring. But then again I learn how to take care of the different levels. My body clock is also very fixed now to the time like 10.30pm sleep. The wake up time still adjusting but yeah. It gets a little annoying when I have meetings on tuesday and thursday and then there's work next day because those meeting will really end late and by that time my brain will already be shut down alr! sigh.
And time seem to pass pretty fast when I start work. I don't know why. Probably because I am enjoying myself, so yeap! I take it as something good bah. No matter how tired I feel, whenever I see the children I feel energized again, so that's awesome! :) Still hope that I can stretch myself though, I don't want to feel tired so easily because people need me too. Sometimes I feel like being so influential has limitations too. I think I am pretty influential in my K2 class, especially. Because I always play with them more than their teachers, they like me more and they will really observe and take note of what I like. I'm like the only teacher that will really play and laugh with them! Hahah. And I'm glad to be the one! Playing with them makes me happy too.
That's all for now, I'll update when I have more time!