  • Felicia Jiamei Lau

    Hello! I'm Jiamei, or Felicia. I'm a full-time Preschool teacher, I enjoy dancing, singing, playing guitar and practicing calligraphy. A sucker for Taylor Swift, Disney and pink things. That kind of sums me up.

Follow me!
Twitter: @fearlessmango
Instagram: @fearlessmango
Facebok: facebook.com/laujiamei
Tumblr: glowoff-thepavements.tumblr.com
Revelation Journal: jm-revelations.blogspot.sg


Blogskin: ohfudge!
Editor: Me!
Photo Editor: Me!

2 and a half month.

It has been a quick 2 and a half month since I've blogged. What has changed? Actually nothing too much. But i've been pretty much busy with life. Working and then going for meetings/bible study for 3 days of the week. And that leaves me friday and monday to do my own things and sometimes I go out with my friends and hence I have no time to blog. (yes, I have friends that I actually go out with!) Tuesdays are filled with leaders' meeting, wednesday with bible study on the book of acts, and thursday (as usual) with cell group. What changed? I stopped playing guitar for another cell group because it would be too much for me and I need my rest (as much as I love to play guitar).

I admit, in the midst of all these business I get angry. I get angry at myself when I feel like why can't I be as strong and capable as the others. I get tired too easily and that's why I don't enjoy being so busy. At the start I was really very upset every single day, but right now it is better and more manageable. People close to me know how upset I really am and how ridiculous I actually sound in those rant. But all those are the past, every time I get upset, I fill myself with the joy of the Lord :)

My birthday just past and now I'm officially 19. So old :/ Hahah! My last -teen. This is so scary, how quickly I'm growing up. But I'm forever 18! (Here's to never growing up!!!!!) :P