  • Felicia Jiamei Lau

    Hello! I'm Jiamei, or Felicia. I'm a full-time Preschool teacher, I enjoy dancing, singing, playing guitar and practicing calligraphy. A sucker for Taylor Swift, Disney and pink things. That kind of sums me up.

Follow me!
Twitter: @fearlessmango
Instagram: @fearlessmango
Facebok: facebook.com/laujiamei
Tumblr: glowoff-thepavements.tumblr.com
Revelation Journal: jm-revelations.blogspot.sg


Blogskin: ohfudge!
Editor: Me!
Photo Editor: Me!

I guess I am back with another update about what I am going to do in the coming month. Which is definitely something I've been talking about - traveling! :) I'm going back to Sydney, Australia again but this time with a friend! I'm really excited to be doing this!

My love for traveling is simple. It is a form of escape for me, from work and everything. I can be a whole new person and people will never know who I really am. Traveling opens up my eyes to many things, the good and the bad. Each time I travel, there are things I am thankful for that I have in Singapore and there are things I wish I can experience on a daily basis. Nevertheless, experiences are so vital. That's why I would pay to experience things. Good and bad experience, they are experiences after all. #noregrets