  • Felicia Jiamei Lau

    Hello! I'm Jiamei, or Felicia. I'm a full-time Preschool teacher, I enjoy dancing, singing, playing guitar and practicing calligraphy. A sucker for Taylor Swift, Disney and pink things. That kind of sums me up.

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World Through My Lens..

5 things that makes someone more attractive.

Even though many people's first impression is usually on the physical appearance (admit it!) but there are other things besides the person's physical appearance that really makes them attractive - the INSIDE things. Someone may spend much time infront of the mirror trying to put on layers of makeup, draw the perfect eyeliner or style that one hairstyle to impress someone and look good, but the attitude the person carries.. That's what makes the difference. 

As much as the outside is important, the inside are important too, if not more important. To me, these are the 5 things that make people more attractive (regardless of gender):

1. Attitude - positivity
Someone that has the can-do spirit is really attractive. Choosing to focus on the positive instead of the negative in situations? That's really attractive. I think for me, someone's attitude really speaks volume. Being positive is not living in denial of the bad things, but to not let that bad thing that happened affect you. Being resilient. That's important.

The thing about attitude is that it is contagious. If I'm out with someone that has a positive attitude, always encouraging and speaking nice words to me, at the end of the day, I'll feel happy and more positive too. However if I meet someone that is negative and always telling me "aiyah, sure cannot one.." I would really think that there is no way out of the situation! 

Needless to say, I like being with people that has a good attitude. Someone that smiles and is positive about life, positive about changes, positive even about the negative. 

2. Passion
This person is very interested in this particular hobby. He or she is willing to go all out just for this thing. It is believed to be his or her 'calling' in life. Yes, I'm talking about passion.

Someone that is attractive knows what he or she likes, and goes after it. This person actually has a purpose in life, more than just living life as it is. Ever hear of someone giving the reply "I don't know" when being asked what does the person like doing? Don't that make you wonder what has the person been doing their whole life? 

Passion will make someone excited, it stirs the person up like nothing else. And nothing is more attractive than looking at someone sharing with you what he or she is really passionate about (even though you yourself might not be so interested in it). This person actually has a dream, has a goal that he or she wants to achieve in life. This is important. 

3. Confidence
There's a fine, fine line between being confident and being OVER confident. The latter might be destructive, I've experienced it too many times. Confidence is more than the way someone talk, it is the way the person carries himself or herself. Does that person trust in himself/herself or does he or she always wait for 'a sign' before he or she makes a decision.

Confidence is similar to being positive. Being with someone confident makes me feel secure, like everything is going to be okay. Hence, the attractiveness that comes along with a confident person. 

4. Smile
Something that makes me feel so welcomed whenever I'm with someone is their smile. I love it when people smile, I mean who doesn't? A smile can mean a whole lot of things, from being happy to being thankful to showing that you love the person. 

Someone that always shows a smile makes everything better. At least to me, a smile from someone may just brighten up my day, literally. 

5. The way he or she treats someone else
I think especially the way someone treats children or an elderly, it shows a lot about someone. The way this person shows compassion is really attractive too. It really take someone something to be able to communicate and connect with someone very young or old. 

It really touches me every time I see someone able to love elderly or love young children, there's just something very magical.