  • Felicia Jiamei Lau

    Hello! I'm Jiamei, or Felicia. I'm a full-time Preschool teacher, I enjoy dancing, singing, playing guitar and practicing calligraphy. A sucker for Taylor Swift, Disney and pink things. That kind of sums me up.

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Page 6/365..

(this post would probably answer all the questions you might have for me if you're going to ask somewhere between the line of "what are you up to lately?" or "how's work?")

I've begun work in a new place. (I will not say where, ask me personally if you want to know) I would say it is definitely not hard, but it is pretty overwhelming because I joined one week before the curriculum starts, means I need to know how to plan the lessons, I need to do up the place, know how everything works and of course to know the children as soon as possible. But as of now, I'm pretty proud to say that I've memorized the names of all the children in my class. ^^ For that, I'm happy. I kind of memorized them within 4 days - this is quite a surprising thing! So today is Tuesday and it is the second day of conducting lessons.. I would say that it is not too much of a challenge although sometimes the children gets distracted, but still it is all good :) Right now I just have to continue to find time to do up classroom decorations because I have conduct lessons and I cannot just leave the children with toys for just half of the day and I do whatever I like. Also, at this new center, I'm almost all the time alone with a class. So all the more I will not be able to do whatever I want.

The children?
This is a good question. Looking at the children reminds me of myself when I was young. The situation here is the reverse of what I experience or see in my previous workplace. The children at this new center speaking mandarin like 80% of the time! No, wait, make it 90%! I'm not even kidding when I say that they speak to me in mandarin even when I speak to them in English. Not as if I spoke to them in mandarin when I first started work. But anyway, these children are very much neighborhood kids, while at the previous center, the children belong to the more atas class of Singaporeans. The way they speak, the way they talk, really reminds me of myself. I remember speaking almost 80% mandarin in my early childhood years too, and when I entered primary school I had a major culture shock that everyone spoke in English. But of course I then learnt to speak English in school and Mandarin at home.

Lesson planning?
I think as of now it is not much of a problem, so that's awesome :)

Apart from all these good stuff, I can't help but to feel that something is missing from the time I start work. I don't even know what cause this feeling. I just feel like a piece of me is missing. Don't know what exactly, or probably there isn't even anything at all. I don't know. At one point or another, I kind of feel lost. Not like I don't know where to go from here.. but I kind of lost my 'identity' so to say. Ah, I don't even know what I am talking about anymore. probably identity ain't even the correct word to use.

That's all for now :)