  • Felicia Jiamei Lau

    Hello! I'm Jiamei, or Felicia. I'm a full-time Preschool teacher, I enjoy dancing, singing, playing guitar and practicing calligraphy. A sucker for Taylor Swift, Disney and pink things. That kind of sums me up.

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Blogskin: ohfudge!
Editor: Me!
Photo Editor: Me!

Gardens By The Bay - Cloud Forest

For the second time in my life, I went to Gardens By The Bay today :) Basically I think I am still as excited as the first time, but just gotta maintain a bit! Hahah! The teachers and I brought my class to the Cloud Forest Dome today, because they are doing on the theme about plants. The children all came in early to school today to prepare to go out. And at about 9, we were off! 

Super excited, my little partner and I we were both wearing the same kind of shoes - our awesome high-cuts! 

It was unplanned, but I think we look pretty cool together, except that he is kind of more independent and doesn't want to hold my hands that much. So for more of the time during the journey I just walked behind him. I mean, he is well-behaved, so I'm okay to not hold his hands and still keep him in sight. Basically on the bus, I think the adults are more excited than the children. And like during any kind of excursions, I think the adults learn more than the children. 

It is the first time I'm bringing so young children out on excursion, so I think that it is both scary and yet exciting. Even though I'm assigned to 3 children, 1 of them had a helper around so I'm basically left with 2. That's really manageable. The walk around was good, they behaved really well and hahah, basically one of my little partner is very onz about taking photos, so we had lots of fun! :) We walked everywhere and looks at a lot of flowers, and even touched some of them. The flowers there were, needless to say, very very pretty. 

I wished I had more time to walk around and take more beautiful photos. Maybe I should bring my camera over and take more photos soon. :) At the end of the excursion, I was really thirsty and tired. (I forgot to bring my water bottle along, silly me!) To sum it up, it was very fun and yet tiring. I can't wait to bring my little ones on more outing! And definitely more to come, especially when June is coming up, lots of exciting things are going to be planned for them :D 

Personally, I also want to plan for a holiday for my family, but I don't know where to go that will meet everyone's wants and needs. Probably need some help here. I need to look for places that are..
(1) Safe to go.
(2) Not too expensive - as in the expenditure on daily things such as transport and food.
(3) Probably somewhere with no language barrier.
(4) Would be a plus point if it is a place with shopping and cheap stuff.

The answer would probably be Taiwan. But I've been there before already, I want to explore new places. :/ So if you have any suggestions, can tell me :) Leave a comment or facebook pm me! 

#throwback to Taipei days where I think I looked my best! :P That's all for now. xx